Similarities and differences between studying at school and attending university in Indonesia

Hello guyssss  😊😊....
Welcome again to my blog,

Just realizing last semester I have made many brief essays. So, I want to share one of my essay. Hopefully, this essay can be informative to you.

without further ado, let's swipe your screen up :) ⇑⇑⇑😀

Education in Indonesia is very diverse, many schools and universities are built with different vision and mission. Studying at school and attending university have little in common. The purpose of studying at school is to develop the students to become a highly moral individual while attending the university is to prepare students to enter the workforce. However, this essay will describe how both the educational sectors have a number of similarities as well as their obvious differences.

In terms of teacher/lecturer-student relationship, the core principles remain the same. In the same way, the teacher/lecture is the "knower" and is responsible for helping students understand the subject that they learn about. In school, the role of the teacher is very important to educate students. Not only teaching subjects but also educating the morals and behavior of the students. So it is not surprising if the teacher gives more useful advice to students in school. And the learning process is usually in the form of teacher-oriented, so students have to listen more rather than actively give arguments and discuss in class.

It turned out to be very different from attending the university. In contrast, in the university, a lecturer will give the material in general and students are required to actively read and study their own subject material independently and active in class for a discussion. The lecturer is only a facilitator.

The assessment for a student at school will be given at the end of each semester, likewise at the university. Of course, schools and universities have the minimum percentage to be declared passed in one subject. In schools, student learning outcomes consist of raport, both for the results Mid-term examination and Final examination scores. With numerical values. Conversely,  Student learning outcomes at a university in every semester usually consist of study result cards. The value format consists of letters of scale A, B, C, D, E, and numbers. If get E or D grade, students must repeat that course in next semester.

In conclusion, both studying at school or attending university basically have a positive goal for self-development. The important thing to understand is that studying at school or attending university is aimed at building students' mentality and the assessment for a student only did to see how far the students were developing.


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